Core Team

Bhujyo Bhattacharya is a particle phenomenologist interested in the fundamental properties of matter and interactions. Together with his undergraduate students, he is currently working to uncover the properties of new particles that have been theorized to explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry problem of our universe.

Shannon Timmons is an associate professor of chemical biology at LTU, where she also directs the Quest experiential learning program and serves as vice chair of the University Faculty Senate. Her teaching interests include developing innovative, inclusive approaches to engage students in organic chemistry and biochemistry courses.

Franco Delogu has a PhD in Cognitive Psychology and is an associate professor of psychology at Lawrence Technological University. His main interest is in multisensory perception and working memory. He is also interested in music processing and its interactions with action planning and other domains of cognition.

Michelle Nelson is the first DEI Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the College of Arts and Sciences at LTU. She has a PhD in Educational Leadership from Oakland University. Her research explores relevant issues focused on sense of belonging, identity development, social justice education.

Extended Team

College of Arts & Sciences

Aleksandra Kuzmanov, Biology

Bhubanjyoti Bhattacharya, Physics

Bruce Pell, Mathematics

Changgong Zhou, Physics

Chris Cartwright, Mathematics

CJ Chung, Computer Science

Daniel Shargel, Philosophy

Fauzia Siddiq, Biology

Franco Delogu, Psychology

George Moschelli, Physics

Hamad Al-Azary, Psychology

Irfana Muqbil, Chemistry

Jeffery Morrissette, Biology

Joy Schaefer, Media Communication

Julia Kiernan, Communication

Julie Zwiesler-Vollick, Biology

Kineta Morgan-Paisley, Psychology

LaVetta Appleby, Chemistry

Margaret Glembocki, Nursing

Matthew Johnston, Mathematics

Mazin Al Hamando, Computer Science

Michelle Nelson, DEI Postdoctoral Fellow

Meng Zhou, Chemistry

Oriehi (Destiny) Anyaiwe, Computer Science

Patrick Nelson, Mathematics

Paula Lauren, Computer Science

Paul Jaussen, English

Randy Schantz, Literature

Shannon Timmons, Chemistry

Sibrina Collins, Chemistry

Suzanne Cleere, Nursing

Tao Liu, Computer Science

Ty Faulkner, Humanities

Vivian Kao, English

Wisam Bukaita, Mathematics

College of Business & IT

Matt Cole, Business

College of Engineering

Eric Meyer, Biomedical Engineering

Project evaluators

Anne Gold, (University of Colorado)

Christine Okochi, (University of Colorado)

Megan Littrell, (University of Colorado)

Past members

Ashley Beyer, English

Brian Smith, Chemistry

Chris Harris, Psychology

Hsiao-Ping Moore, Biology

Jessica Nichols, External Evaluator

Justin Ku, CoBIT

Lior Shamir, Computer Science

Ludger Brinker, English

Melinda Weinstein, English

Michael Dabkowski, Mathematics

Na Yu, Mathematics